Academic Communication
Dr. Xiaoyin Shi visited our group (2021-03-26)

Dr. Xiaoying Shi visited our group and gave a talk titled "Analysis and Display of Bus Bicycle Data".
Prof. Tian He visited our group (2019-07-14)

Professor Tian He from The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Minnesota visited our group and gave a talk titled "Deliver Timely, Contact Intelligently".
Dr. Xiangjie Kong visited our group (2018-12-22)

Associate Professor Xiangjie Kong from The Alpha Lab at Dalian University Of Technology visited our group and gave a talk titled "Mobile Crowd Sensing:Towards Smart City".
Top 10 Best Advisor and Top 10 ART (2018-12-20)

Jianhui Zhang won the honor of Top 10 Best Advisor and their group won the Top 10 Academic Research Team(ART).
Dr. Rui Zhang visited our group (2018-06-14)

Assistant Professor Rui Zhang from Department of Computer and Information Sciences at University of Delaware visited our group and gave a talk titled "Towards Secure and Privace-Preserving Database-Driven Dynamic Spectrum Sharing".
ACM Turning Celebration Conference, Shanghai, China (2018-05-19 -- 2018-05-20)

We attended the ACM Turing Celebration Conference (ACM TURC 2018, 中国图灵大会, May 19 - 20) held in Shanghai, China.
INFOCOM 2018 in Honolulu, HI, USA (2018-04-15 -- 2018-04-19)

We attended the INFOCOM 2018 (Apr.15 - 19) held in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Dr. Jianhui Zhang reported our recent work titled "Distributed Trip Selection Game for Public Bike System with Crowdsourcing".
Dr. Shaojie Tang visited our group (2017-07-25)

Dr. Shaojie Tang from Naveen Jindal School of Management at University of Texas at Dallas visited our group and gave a talk titled "Order Matters: Robust Advertising with Uncertain Parameters."
SECON 2017 in San Diego, USA (2017-06-12 -- 2017-06-14)

We attended the SECON 2017 (Jun.12 - 14) held in San Diego, USA, Dr. Jianhui Zhang reported our recent work titled "Composite Task Selection with Heterogeneous Crowdsourcing".
Prof. Shibo He visited our group (2017-04-20)

Professor Shibo He from Nesc group at Zhejiang University visited our group and gave a talk titled "A Trust Management based Framework for Fault-tolerant Barrier Coverage in Sensor Networks".
IPCCC 2015 in Nanjing, China (2015-12-14 -- 2015-12-16)

We attended the IPCCC 2015 (Dec.14 - 16) held in Nanjing, China, Zhi Li reported our recent work titled "Stochastic Duty Cycling for Heterogenous Energy Harvesting Networks".
Prof. Xiaojun Lin visited our group (2015-07-09)

Professor Xiaojun Lin from School of Electrial and Computer Engineering at Purdue University visited our group and gave a talk titled "Managing Uncertainty in Future Smart Grid: An Online-Algorithmic Approach towards Robust and Efficient Decisions".
Dr. Shaojie Tang visited our group (2015-07-03)

Dr. Shaojie Tang from Naveen Jindal School of Management at University of Texas at Dallas visited our group and gave a talk about optimizing ad allocation in social advertising.
MobiHoc 2015 in Hangzhou, China(2015-06-22 -- 2015-06-25)

Prof. Jie Wu visited our group (2015-06-02)

Professor Jie Wu from Temple University visited our group and gave us a talk about mobile vehicles. In the talk, some of their results on several charging and coverage problems involving multiple mobile chargers are discussed.
Prof. Feng Xia visited our group (2015-05-29)

Professor Feng Xia from Dalian University of Technology visited our group and gave us a talk about analysis and practice of traffic big data.
Researcher Yu Zheng give a talk (2015-05-14)

Researcher Yu Zheng from Microsoft Research Asia gave a talk about urban computing.
Group Activity
The Viewing Fish at Flower Pond Tour (2019-4-27)

The Nine Creeks in Misty Forest Tour (2018-10-28)

Congratulation to Zhi Li's graduation! (2017-04-06)

The Northern Peak Tour (2016-11-03)

Riding in Hang Zhou (2015-06-04)