2023-06-17 恭喜徐雁鸿同学荣获浙江省优秀毕业生称号!Congradulations!Yanhong Xu wins the Zhejiang Provincial Excellent Graduates! 作者 wsn333 在 News
2023-03-06 One long paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2023. 作者 wsn333 在 News
2022-06-01 One long paper was accepted by IEEE Transcations on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2022. 作者 wsn333 在 News
2022-02-20 One regular paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2022. 作者 wsn333 在 News
2021-04-23 One regular paper was accepted by IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service 2021. 作者 wsn333 在 News
2021-03-26 Dr. Xiaoying Shi visited our group and gave a talk titled "Analysis and Display of Bus Bicycle Data" 2021. 作者 wsn333 在 News
2019-07-14 Professor Tian He from The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Minnesota visited our group and gave a talk titled "Deliver Timely, Contact Intelligently". 作者 wsn333 在 News
2019-04-02 Congratulations! Wei Li was admitted by the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Tsinghua University as a professional master with the No.1 score of re-examination's interview. 作者 wsn333 在 News
2018-12-24 Congratulations! Pengqian Lu and Siwen Zheng won the 2018's HuaWei Scholarship. 作者 wsn333 在 News
2018-12-20 Congratulations! Jianhui Zhang won the honor of Top 10 Best Advisor and their group won the Top 10 Academic Research Team. 作者 wsn333 在 News
2018-09-28 Congratulations! Pengqian Lu won the 2018's National Scholarship for Graduate Student. 作者 wsn333 在 News
2018-09-28 Siwen Zheng's project got support by the Department of Education Scientific Research Project of Zhejiang Province. 作者 wsn333 在 News