2018-04-27 Siwen Zheng's project got support by the Graduate Scientific Research Foundation of Hangzhou Dianzi University. 作者 wsn333 在 News
2018-03-01 Zhi Li received the Ph.D. offer with full scholarship from the Stony Brook University, USA. Congrats!! 作者 wsn333 在 News
2017-05-15 Mengmeng Wang's project got support by the Excellent Dissertation Fostering Foundation of Hangzhou Dianzi University. 作者 wsn333 在 News
2017-03-15 Zhi Li won the Outstanding Graduate Student of Hangzhou Dianzi University. 作者 wsn333 在 News
2016-10-28 Congratulations! Zhi Li and Mengmeng Wang won the 2016's National Scholarship for Graduate Student. It's Zhi Li's second consecutive winning. 作者 wsn333 在 News